Mastering JavaScript Fundamentals: The Complete Guide to JavaScript30

Mastering JavaScript Fundamentals:
The Complete Guide to JavaScript30

What is Javascript30?

It is a free online course created by Wes Bos, a well-known web developer and educator. The course consists of 30 small projects that are designed to help developers improve their JavaScript skills by building real-world applications.

Each project in JavaScript30 focuses on a different aspect of JavaScript, such as DOM manipulation, Ajax requests, and animations. The course also covers important topics like ES6 features, debugging techniques, and performance optimization.

Little Preview of Javascript30

you can also check it out from the link given here Javascript30

Who is this for and what should you expect from it?

Well, it is one of the most loved courses by Web Developers all around the world due to its simplicity, creativity, structured and "To-the-point" explanations

This course is for Beginner to Intermediate developers and designers who want to become comfortable with both JavaScript fundamentals and working in the DOM without a library.

if you are new to JavaScript, I would recommend you learn the basics from Youtube, FreeCodeCamp and TheModernJavascript

We learn by application - encountering many new situations while talking about the hows, the whys and the whats that we use to solve them.

Some of the Projects built in this course(my favs..)

  • JavaScript Drum Kit

JavaScript Drum Kit

  • Geolocation-based Speedometer and Compass

Geolocation based Speedometer and Compass

  • Speech Synthesis

  • Speech Synthesis

    Whack A Mole Game

    Whack A Mole Game

All other project previews are given on the official Javacsript30 website.

How to enroll in this free Javascript30 course?

You simply have to put your email in the box and click the checkbox then click on Join Others.

Once done with this you will get a confirmation email, just confirm it and you are logged into it

you can download the starter files and click on stream course

Other Reads

This blog provides a brief overview of the topics covered in the JavaScript30 course. For those looking for a quick review or to brush up on their JavaScript skills, this blog is a great resource. However, for a more comprehensive understanding of the topics covered, I highly recommend checking out the JavaScript30 course.

The JavaScript30 course covers a wide range of practical JavaScript projects that will help you build your skills and understanding of the language. The course is designed for anyone with a basic understanding of JavaScript and covers topics such as working with the DOM, manipulating CSS with JavaScript, making AJAX requests, and using ES6 features.

Overall, the JavaScript30 course is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their JavaScript skills and build practical projects. By following along with the course, you'll gain a solid understanding of the language and be able to apply your skills to real-world projects.


Where to go from here...

We will talk about each project in detail, I'll be sharing my experience and knowledge and writing a blog on every single project for the next 30 days